Friday, 15 March 2013

Photo of the Week

This is my Photo of the Week, my three lovlies.
It's incredibly hard to get all three looking at the camera at the same time and I have a very shaky hand but we got there eventually after about 20 shots and copious amounts of patience from all of us!!

I'm linking up with Team Lloyd's Photo of the week, pop over and check it out here.


  1. Just love this family group. That's the joy of digital photography, over film, we can keep snapping away until we get it right! That is unless our subjects don't get too fed up! LOL. I love the little one's open, happy face. Perfectly charming! Can't seem to post my blog name, so my name will have to make do. (Note to self: find out how to do it!)

  2. Very cute! That's one for the wall for sure!

  3. Thanks to everyone for all your lovely comments.

  4. I love it...Yes, getting them to look at the same time is hard and I only have two! I love the littlest in the aran knit, very appropriate for this weekend!

  5. What a lovely lovely family photo :) I love black and white photos as it makes it so timeless. And perfectly captured as well everyone has lovely smiles and eyes are sparkly!

    Thank you for linking up with Photo of The Week XXX

  6. Such a beautiful photo. Definitely one for the family album! :) x

  7. So sweet! It's like a hug in a photo ~ you must be so proud! :)

  8. Gorgeous! Everyone smiling, everyone happy - just lovely x

  9. Fantastic shot, it can be so difficult to get genuine expressions but you're picture is perfect! x
